Customer specific discounts (for online shop, online invoices and POS)
→ → Customers → Select a customer → Scroll to "Discount" → Select percentage or currency → Enter value → Save
In the online shop, the customer's e-mail address is used for identification. As soon as this customer enters his e-mail address, he sees the discount in the shopping cart.
When you add a customer to an online invoice, his discount is calculated immediately.
The discount is also automatically added to the shopping cart on the POS as soon as the customer is selected.
Percentage or amount discount on entire invoice or individual product (for POS and online invoices)
On the POS:
If you tap on a product that is already in the shopping cart on the right, the detailed view of the product is displayed. Here you can tap on "Discount per item" and enter percentage or amount.
If you want to give a discount on the entire invoice, tap on the percentage sign above the blue "Pay" field in the bottom right corner.
On the online invoices:
When you select a product, you can enter a discount.
You can also add a discount to the entire invoice.
Important! Invoices without discounts and with percentage discounts can be partially canceled, and with absolute discounts - only completely.
Discount coupons (for online shop and online invoices)
Find out more: Add a discount/coupon code