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Paymash License Fee

Paymash offers you these payment methods to pay for your Paymash license.

Julia Bastova avatar
Written by Julia Bastova
Updated over a week ago

The monthly fee for Paymash is charged on the first of each month to the credit card you have on file.

Paymash License Fee - photo 01

If you deposit your credit card for the first time and your trial period has expired, only the remaining days until the end of the month will be charged.

In the settings under Licenses (third gray bar) you can see the status of past and current license purchases.

If the monthly charge cannot be made (e.g. because your credit card does not have enough credit), we will remind you by mail and in the application itself. For 30 days you can continue to use Paymash, but if after that still no payment is received, your account will be blocked. This means you can only log in via a web browser, but not via the app. You can only unlock your account and access your data again by depositing a credit card.

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