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Invoice splitting in POS

How can you organize a separate payment?

Julia Bastova avatar
Written by Julia Bastova
Updated over a week ago

When your customers want to pay an invoice separately, you can easily perform this in the following way:

  1. Choose the opened invoice in POS at Menu > Invoices > Open invoices and click on the blue "Pay *** products" button in the bottom.

  2. Click on "Pay separately", generally placed on the top-right side.

Invoice splitting in POS - photo 1

3. Choose the items, which should be paid separately by tipping on the square buttons on the right, and click on "Pay".

Invoice splitting in POS - photo 2

4. Continue then with the second part of the invoice.

For your information: You can split the payment many times, until no items are present in the cart.

Invoice splitting in POS - photo 3

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